


令和6年                               2024

Fukushima T, Nanao J: The effect of repetitive peripheral magnetic stimulation on physical dysfunction: a protocol for a scoping review. Journal of Cancer Rehabilitation :2024 (in Press)

Suzuki K, Morishita S, Nakano J, Okayama T, Inoue J, Tanaka T,a Fukushima F: Association between quality of life and mortality risk in patients with breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Breast Cancer
. 2024 doi: 10.1007/s12282-024-01581-7. LINK

石井 瞬,福島卓矢,神津 玲,宮田倫明,中野治郎:全国がん診療連携拠点病院におけるがん患者の骨粗鬆症診療の実態調査.Palliat Care Res 19(1): 59–66,2024

Katsushima U, Hase K, Fukushima T, Kubo T, Nakano J, Ogushi N, Okuno Y, Kamisako K, Nakanishi K, Okazaki Y, Ikoma T, Takeyasu Y, Yamanaka Y, Yoshioka H, Imai Y, Kurata T: Investigation of a practical assessment index to capture the clinical presentation of cachexia in patients with lung cancer. Jpn J Clin Oncol
. 2024 Mar 9;54(3):305-311. doi: 10.1093/jjco/hyad177LINK

令和5年                               2023

中野治郎,福島卓矢,石井瞬:がん患者の病期別緩和ケアにおける理学療法士の役割 がん患者の病期別緩和ケアにおける理学療法士の役割. 理学療法 40(10): 876-885, 2023

福島 卓矢, 中野 治郎: 知っておきたい・深めたい Close-up HADって何だろう? 疾患別のHAD がん患者のHAD. 理学療法ジャーナル 57(11):1341-1343, 2023

Suzuki K, Morishita S, Nakano J, Okayama T, Inoue J, Tanaka T, Fukushima T: Neurological Outcomes of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy in Patients With Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Integr Cancer Ther 22:15347354231185110, 2023

Fukushima T, Okita Y, Watanabe N, Yokota S, Nakano J, Kawai A.: Factors associated with physical function in patients after surgery for soft tissue sarcoma in the thigh. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 24(1):661, 2023

.福島卓矢 , 中野 治郎:高齢がん患者のリハビリテーション最新 Tips ~vulnerable症例のスクリーニングと治療戦略~. がん看護 28(7):637-640, 2023 https://doi.org/10.15106/j_kango28_637

Fukushima T, Okita Y, Watanabe N, Yokota S, Nakano J, Kawai A: Evaluation of clinical factors associated with early postoperative physical function and lower extremity functional impairment in patients with soft
tissue sarcoma.Disability and Rehabilitation. Published online: 25 Aug 2023.

石井 瞬,辻田みはる,川村征大,森岡銀平,小森 峻1,小山将史,大鑄俊博,宮田倫明,神津 玲,中野治郎:整形外科外来における高齢女性患者のがん罹患歴の有無とオステオサルコペニア,フレイルとの関係.地域理学療法学. 

Morishita S, Suzuki K, Okayama T, Inoue J, Tanaka T, Nakano J, Fukushima T: Recent Findings in Physical Exercise for Cancer Survivors. Review Phys Ther Res 26(1):10-16. doi: 10.1298/ptr.R0023

Fukushima T, Tsuji T, Nakano J, Ishii S, Sugihara S, Sato H, Kawakami J, Kagaya H, Tanuma A, Sekine R, Mori K, Zenda S, Kawai A: Overview of Outpatient Cancer Rehabilitation Provided by Designated Cancer Hospitals in Japan: A survey research. Journal of cancer rehabilitation(JCR), (Inpress)

中野治郎,福島卓矢,石井瞬:がん患者の生活場面における身体活動量の測定と運動指導の要点. 理学療法 40 (4): 341-349, 2023

Fukushima T, Okita Y, Watanabe N, Yokota S, Nakano J, Tanaka Y, Kawai A: Progress in muscle strength of the reconstructed knee and quality of life of the patient after knee rotationplasty: A case report. .Prosthetics and Orthotics International (Inpress)

福島 卓矢, 辻 哲也, 中野 治郎, 石井 瞬, 杉原 進介, 佐藤 弘, 川上 寿一, 加賀谷 斉, 田沼 明, 関根 龍一, 盛 啓太, 全田 貞幹, 川井 章: がん診療連携拠点病院における入院がんリハビリテーション治療の詳細. Palliative Care Research 18(2)143-152, 2023

石井 瞬,辻田みはる,川村征大,森岡銀平,小森 峻,小山将史,宮田倫明,神津 玲,中野治郎: 新型コロナウイルス感染症の流行前後における整形外科外来通院中の高齢患者のフレイル有症率の変化―基本チェックリストを用いた調査研究―.地域理学療法学, 2023 (早期公開)

令和4年                               2022

石井 瞬, 夏迫 歩美, 福島 卓矢, 神津 玲, 宮田 倫明, 中野 治郎: 入院化学療法中の造血器腫瘍患者の倦怠感に関連する要因の検討.Palliative Care Research 17 (4):181-189, 2022

Sato H, Wakida M, Kubota R, Kuwabara T, Mori K, Asai T, Fukumoto Y, Nakano J, Hase K. Use of the reliable change index to evaluate the effect of a multicomponent exercise program on physical functions. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research34(12):3033-3039, 2022. doi.org/10.1007/s40520-022-02241-6

Fujii M, Nakano J, Tanaka Y, Tonosaki A: Effects of self-management interventions with behavior-change support on long-term adherence in patients with chronic respiratory diseases: A systematic review. GHM Open 2(1) :12-24, 2022. doi.org/10.35772/ghmo.2022.01000

Fukushima T, Tsuji T,Watanabe N, Sakurai T, Matsuoka A, Kojima K, Yahiro S, Oki M, Okita Y, Yokota S, Nakano J, Sugihara S, Sato H, Kawakami J, Kagaya H, Tanuma A, Sekine R, Mori K, Zenda S, Kawai A: Cancer rehabilitation provided by designated cancer hospitals in Japan: The current state of outpatient setting and coordination after discharge.
Progress in Rehabilitation Medicine 7; 20220006, 2022 doi.org/10.2490/prm.20220006

Wakida M, Asai T, Kubota R, Kuwabara T, Fukumoto Y, Sato H, Nakano J, Mori K, Hase K: Longitudinal effects of physical exercise on health‐related outcomes based on frailty status in community‐dwelling older adults. Geriatrics & Gerontology International 22(3):213-218, 2022 doi: 10.1111/ggi.14346

Asai T, Wakida M, Kubota R, Kuwabara T, Fukumoto Y, Sato H, Nakano J, Hase K: Cross-Sectional Study on the Association between Body Mass Index and Frailty According to Sex in Elderly Patients with Disabilities from and Elderly Day-Care Center. Geriatrics 7(1):7, 2022 (JCI:0.34) doi: 10.3390/geriatrics7010007.

令和3年                               2021

Fukushima T, Tsuji T, Watanabe N, Sakurai T, Matsuoka A, Kojima K, Yahiro S, Oki M, Okita Y, Yokota S, Nakano J, Sugihara S, Sato H, Kawakami J, Kagaya H, Tanuma A, Sekine R, Mori K, Zenda S, Kawai A: The current status of inpatient cancer rehabilitation provided by designated cancer hospitals in Japan. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 51(7): 1094-1099, 2021 (IF:1.914)

Nakano J, Fukushima T, Tanaka T, Fu JB, Morishita S: Physical function predicts mortality in patients with cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Supportive Care in Cancer,2021 (in Press, doi: 10.1007/s00520-021-06171-3.) (IF=2.635)

石井 瞬,夏迫 歩美,福島 卓矢,神津 玲,中野 治郎: 入院中の造血器腫瘍患者に対する運動機能および身体活動量のフィードバックを用いた行動変容アプローチの効果.Palliative Care Research ,2021(印刷中)

石井 瞬,夏迫歩美,福島卓矢,神津 玲,宮田倫明,中野治郎:全国がん診療連携拠点病院でのリンパ浮腫外来における運動療法の実態調査.理学療法学 48(3)330-336, 2021

令和2年                               2020

Fukushima T, Nakano J, Hashizume K, Ueno K, Matsuura E, Ikio Y, Ishii S, Morishita S, Tanaka K, Kusuba Y
: Effects of aerobic, resistance, and mixed exercises on quality of life in patients with cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 2020
doi: 10.1016/j.ctcp.2020.101290.

壱岐尾優太,佐賀里 昭,中野治郎,近藤康隆,小田太史,大賀智史,長谷川隆史,東 登志夫:化学療法誘発性末梢神経障害を呈した がん患者の破局的思考と自覚症状,上肢機能 および生活障害との関連.Palliat Care Res 15(4):331-338, 2020

Morishita S, Hamaue Y, Fukushima T, Tanaka T, Fu JB, Nakano J: Effect of exercise on mortality and recurrence in patients with cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Integrative Cancer Therapies 19: 19:1534735420917462, 2020

福島卓矢,中野治郎,石井 瞬,夏迫歩美,坂本淳哉,沖田 実:化学療法・放射線療法を行うがん患者における痛みの有無が運動機能,ADL ,身体・ 精神症状におよぼす影響.保健医療学雑誌 11(1):9-16, 2020

森 健次郎,山田麻和,笹原順哉,中尾洋子,中野治郎:回復期リハビリテーション病棟入院中の脳血管障害患者における麻痺側肩関節疼痛の関連因子についての観察研究.脳卒中 42(3): 148-155,2020

令和元年・平成31年                          2019

Morishita S, Nakano J, Fu JB, Tsuji T:Physical exercise is safe and feasible in thrombocytopenic patients with hematologic malignancies: a narrative review.Hematology 25(1):95-100, 2020

Oga S, Goto K, Sakamoto J, Honda Y, Sasaki R, Ishikawa K, Kataoka H, Nakano J, Origuchi T, Okita M: Mechanisms underlying immobilization-induced muscle pain in rats. Muscle Nerve 61(5):662-670, 2020 doi: 10.1002/mus.26840.

Nakano J, Ishi K, Fukushima T, Ishii S, Ueno K, Matsuura E, Ns, Hashizume K, Ns, Morishita S, Tanaka K, Kusuba Y: Effects of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on physical symptoms in advanced cancer patients receiving palliative care. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 43(1):62-68, 2019

Nakano J, Fukushima T, Tanaka K, Ishii S, Natsuzako A, Ueno K, Matsuura E, Hashizume K, Mori K, Kusuba Y
Anxiety, depression, physical symptoms, and activity in patients with hematological malignancy undergoing chemotherapy: A cross-sectional study. Internal Medicine and Care 3:1-6, 2019 (DOI: 10.15761/IMC.1000130)

Fukushima T, Nakano J, Ishii S, Natsuzako A, Sato S, Sakamoto J, Miyazaki Y, Okita M
Factors associated with muscle function in patients with hematologic malignancies undergoing chemotherapy.
Supportive Care in Cancer, 2019 (doi.org/10.1007/s00520-019-04955-2)

中野治郎:痛みの基礎とがん性疼痛の特徴.物理療法科学 26: 1-4, 2019

Fukushima T, Nakano J, Ishii S, Natsuzako A, Kawachi H, Sakamoto J, Miyazaki Y, Okita : Influence of hemoglobin level on muscle and physical functions, activities of daily living, and quality of life in patients with hematologic malignancies. Integr Cancer Ther 18: 1534735419842196, 2019

Fukushima T, Nakano J, Ishii S, Natsuzako A, Hirase T, Sakamoto J, Okita M: Characteristics of muscle function and the effect of cachexia in patients with hematological malignancy. Eur J Cancer Care(Engl) 28(2): e12956, 2019

平成30年                               2018

Fukushima T, Nakano J, Ishii S, Natsuzako A, Sakamoto J, Okita M: Low-intensity exercise therapy with high frequency improves physical function and mental and physical symptoms in patients with hematologic malignancies undergoing chemotherapy. Euro J Cancer Care(Engl) 27(6): e12922, 2018

Nakano J, Hashizume K, Fukushima T, Ueno K, Matsuura E, Ikio Y, Ishii S, Morishita S, Tanaka K, Kusuba Y:Effects of aerobic and resistance exercises on physical symptoms in cancer patients: A meta-analysis. Integrative Cancer Therapies 17(4): 1048-1058, 2018

中野治郎, 坂本淳哉,沖田 実:一次侵害受容ニューロンの構造と機能ならびに病態時の変化.Pain Rehabilitation 8(1):1-9,2018

川内春奈,中野治郎,井上慎太郎,松崎敏郎,坂本淳哉,沖田 実:白血病モデルラットの骨格筋に対する温熱刺激の影響.日本基礎理学療法学雑誌21(2):79-87,2018

平成29年                               2017

濱上陽平,中野治郎,坂本淳哉,沖田 実:不活動に伴う痛みの発生メカニズムとその治療戦略に関する検討-ラットの実験モデルに対する振動刺激の効果-.日本基礎理学療法学雑誌20(2):8-15,2017

Kataoka H, Nakano J, Kondo Y, Honda Y, Sakamoto J, Okita M: The influence of aging on the effectiveness of heat stress in preventing disuse muscle atrophy.Physiol Int 104(4): 316-328, 2017 doi: 10.1556/2060.104.2017.4

中野治郎,石井 瞬,福島卓矢,夏迫歩美,田中浩二,橋爪可織,上野和美,松浦江美,楠葉洋子:化学療法実施中に低強度の運動療法を行った造血器悪性腫瘍患者の運動機能,倦怠感,精神症状の変化.Palliative Care Research. 12(3): 277-284, 2017

Nakano J, Ishii S, Fukushima T, Natuzako A, Sakamoto J, Okita M: Factors affecting muscle strength in canser patients receiving chemotherapy. J Nov Physiother Rehabil. 1: 56-66, 2017 doi:10.29328/journal.jnpr.1001008

濱上陽平,中野治郎,坂本淳哉,沖田 実:痛みの末梢機構の再考.Pain Rehabilitation 7(1): 8-15, 2017

平成28年                               2016

石井 瞬,中野治郎:がん患者に対する理学療法の再考 - 身体活動量に着目したアプローチ .理学療法探求19:9-15,2016.

中野治郎,坂本淳哉,片岡英樹,沖田 実:疼痛に対する物理療法の基礎的背景とエビデンス.理学療法 33(5): 416-423, 2016.

中野治郎,川内春奈,坂本淳哉,沼田 悟,岩嵜徹治,沖田 実:アジュバント誘発炎症モデルラットの皮膚アロディニアに対するリモイスRコートの効果.日本運動器疼痛学会誌 8: 12-19, 2016



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